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Temperature and Humidity Monitor with ESP32 🌡️🌧️

Temperature and Humidity Monitor with ESP32

This project is an IoT application that uses the ESP32 microcontroller to monitor temperature and humidity. Data is collected using the DHT21 sensor and displayed on a web page hosted on the ESP32. Additionally, the web interface allows users to control a lamp and download recorded data. 📊📉

Features 🌟

Hardware Required 🛠️

Software Required 💻

Setup 🚀

  1. Connect the DHT21 sensor to the ESP32.
  2. Install the required libraries in the Arduino IDE.
  3. Upload the code to the ESP32.
  4. Open the web page to view data and control the lamp.

Code Explanation 📜

The code for this project is written in C++ and is divided into the following sections:

  1. Variable Definitions: Defining the variables and required libraries.
  2. Setup: Initial settings including WiFi connection and sensor setup.
  3. Main Loop: Continuous reading of sensor data and updating the web page.

Contributing 🤝

Feel free to fork this repository and contribute by sending pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. 🌟

Profile 🧑‍💻

View my profile on GitHub: Esmail Sarhadi

Check out this project on GitHub: IoT-Temperature-and-Humidity-Monitor-with-ESP32

Donation 💰

If you find this project useful, consider making a donation: 💸

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License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.